Delivery Snippets: Fire Mama’s Kitchen x Charm Sy’s Butter Chicken x Auntie Eden’s Recipe
If you’re looking for family-size comfort-food, Fire Mama’s Kitchen rolled out two homemade classic dishes that are guaranteed to liven up your Sunday family lunches.

Its pioneer offering, the Cheesy Tuna Fettucine is a treat that would please all ages. Its addictive sauce is a perfect blend of sweet and spicy that would appeal to both spicy and non-spicy eaters. At first glance, I didn’t think that it would be enough to feed my hungry family of 5; but it’s deceptively loaded with tuna, mushrooms and more than enough tasty fettucine to fill you up. Fire Mama’s Kitchen definitely does not hold back on the cheesiness of this Cheesy Tuna Fettucine; as they make sure that each spoonful of this delicious pasta comes topped with their oozing and gooey cheese!

Its second offering, the Special Cha Misua is quite a departure from the Cheesy Tuna Fettucine; but it’s a definite treat as well. Its visually appealing rows of colorful toppings guarantee a hefty mouthful for each bite you take. It’s easily one of the most-loaded cha misua’s I’ve had, and it’s insane how they manage to keep the price tag at P688. This is definitely the perfect choice for weekend family meals!
Fire Mama’s Kitchen
Dates of Delivery: July 12, 2020 and August 2, 2020 (via their Facebook page)
One cuisine that I’m finding a difficult time getting my fill of during this lockdown would be Indian. There’s really not a lot of options here in QC which was why I was so happy when I saw a Facebook friend cooking and selling her own Butter Chicken. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon her post too late; as her tubs were completely sold out. After that, I made it a point to stalk her posts more diligently for her next announcement, and was relieved that it was sooner than expected.

I quickly ordered two tubs; a mild variant and a regular spicy variant for my family’s lunch. It was an instant hit with my family. It’s mind-blowingly delicious over rice as the glorious sauce boasts of a perfect blend of spices that’s just right for the palate. The chicken chunks were amazingly tender as well. I found the regular spicy variant still quite mild; so I think I can handle its extra spicy variant. We enjoyed it so much that my sister was actually inspired to start experimenting with her own butter chicken recipes in our kitchen!
Charm Sy’s Butter Chicken
Date of Delivery: July 18, 2020 (technically, I did a pickup but you can easily book a third party delivery service to her house – watch out for her posts on the Fil-Chi Ho Tsia/Ho Dim Facebook page)
My sister was able to scour for an extremely value-for-money Crab Sotanghon through one of the many foodie viber groups she belongs in. The purveyor still didn’t have official social media pages at the time of delivery; but a whole tub of crab (albeit small) came at a reasonable price of P700 so it was too good to resist. Apart from this, the pickup location was literally just outside the gate of our village! Talk about convenience!

The noodles it came with were extremely flavorful; but were too little to be enjoyably shared (especially since it was really delicious)!. Bits of the crabs’ shells also found their way to the noodles, making it an inconvenient experience to sift through these. Flavor was on point; but the crab meat was unfortunately a tad bit overcooked. My brother also unearthed a thick strand of long hair in one of the crab pieces he was eating. We wished to send this feedback to the purveyor; however, they requested to my sister to post our feedback on social media but to filter out the negative ones. In an instant, my excitement for this dish turned sour as the purveyor showed no integrity. It’s nice that the purveyor has since grown, evidenced by the launch of its official social media handle, Auntie Eden’s Recipe. In a quick scan of their menu, I noticed that they were now selling a variant which offered more noodles (P900). It sounded like a good deal, but I can’t stomach supporting purveyors with zero integrity. I'm pretty sure you we can easily find other delicious Crab Sotanghon dishes cooked and sold by people I can actually respect.
Auntie Eden’s Recipe
Date of Delivery: July 20, 2020